Friday, 21 November 2014

My Child

My Child

July 21 2013

Baby mine, my heart is thine,
From tenderness I write thee this.
In all the world, in all I see,
It is but you that is a great miracle to me,
From love you grew from thought, from seed
The breath of life God breathed.
To have, to hold, to watch you grow,
And in my heart I know,
You most precious gift,
You are not mine, but wholly Thine,
From the Hand of God sent hence,
You remain a child of the King,
My grand opus, my master work of art,
My treasure, possessor of my heart,
One small babe with many days unknown,
It is my hope to see you grown.
To hold your hand, to lift you high,
To help you soar to touch the sky.
Oh precious one, life is hard from the start,
Take my hand and walk with me
And to Heavens heights we will rise to see,
On wings of eagles, on chords of love,
Our Heavenly Father from above,
Will raise us up, will help us stand,
When all of the world round us is sinking sand.
You are my gem, my treasure be,
My life’s great work is
To be Christlike for thee.
There will be times where I may fail
And lose the wind from my sail.
Always remember for you, it’s me.
Of myself I give so you have what you need to live
As I tread along the narrow path.
From the tender life lessons taught,
One day you’ll rise to build a life all your own
It’s my hope to find with God’s grace,
In love, life and faith you have grown.

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