Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Interactions, Arguably Reactions

Apr 12, 2017
Interactions, Arguably Reactions

A monologue of confession hung frozen between them in the icy air.
Waiting for the reciprocating swing of the pendulum.
Only to be played false just like a perpetual motion machine
Slowly grinding to a halt.
Two bodies long locked in orbit on an ovoid bent,
Accelerating on a tangent only to slow and turn away,
Coming close, yet never to connect.
Friend or foe,
On one interpretation spent
All on a rapid spiraling vent.
Misinterpretations chide.
As day chases away night,
Light revealing all that is done in darkness.
Time spreads out spanning the distance
Of overlapping existences.
Sometimes we’re knocked off axis to spin wildly,
Spewing content like a centrifuge.
As densities separate our depths,
Layers of truth fly.
Pure or putrid, pleasurable or painful,
Traits rise to the surface,
Once hidden at the depth of our cores.
What lies beneath your mantle, dear kindred?
What lies at the heart of the matter once barred?
What happens when the hurt you bear you can no longer hide?

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