Thursday, 22 January 2015

Seasons Turn

In the Spring promise of prosperity blooms,
When well forgotten, cold bite of winter no longer looms.
All is bright and beautiful, hearts merry and fair,
In the sweet kiss of sunshine we revel without a care.
Green and long and full the grass doth grow,
In the fertile ground of summertime our love doth show.
A time of plenty, great is our lot.
By Autumn we store away all we've got.

Miser or merciful,
When Winter's cold fingers come a knocking,
Will we share the things we've been stocking?

Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Round and Round the mulberry bush we all run,
Passing many hours baking in the sun,
The hands of the clock go round and round,
While machines fill our heads with empty sound,
The silver moon rises full to wither to sliver again.
Calling the rolling tides to stir the sand.
Hour glasses always empty if one isn't careful,
Routines become fetters leaving the hours bland.
Better that life has more meaning than what we collect.
Time with your children more important to protect.
Priceless are the memories made when families play.
The concerns of the world may on you weigh,
Sometimes it's hard to do what we ought,
In truth, truest treasure can never be bought.
For things you can not keep,
When we pass into eternal sleep.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Drink Well Too Drunk

Let’s not mince words with water,
For wine makes better fodder.
With a glass of chardonnay,
Orchestral tunes do play.
Flutes arise in champagne melodies.
Many a golden tux full of worth,
Gaily gloats the giddy tune full of mirth.
Gala gowns a glimmer swirl round the rim.

Toddy tipped sips and nightcap mixed whips,
A bit of brandy nips sultry slips,
Mingled in with tipsy quips,
Ribbing cheers smooth out awkward kinks,
Second glass spills into witty high-jinks
And subtle fluttered eye-lined winks.

Trippingly goes the tongue
In tinted lips with vintage’s fine kiss.
With shades of merlot it goes,
Bubbling blissful effervescent lips.
Fireside words trickle over rosy hips.

Or rather,
In beer stein topped lather,
Trippingly off the tongue,
Bellowing breaths will blow.
When gale force winds do rise.
One challenger gauges the others size,
With a swashbuckling swig of rum,
He’s done the sum.
Naked thoughts laid brazen,
Tilting and lilting with percussive snaps,
Leading to full force slaps.
Fists of folly along with furniture loosed to fly,
A mighty raucity drowned in rye.

When the drink’s been done and well too drunk,
Dawning to a leaden head on a pillow sunk,
All that was bigger, brighter, better on the eve,
Has taken a duller leave to wretch and heave.
To the secrets of the night left wondering why,
Senses swizzle stick stirred,

Intoxicating perception rouses such a lie.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

By The River Blossoms Lie

May 20, 2013

Dainty pink petals line her little hat,
As by the riverside the little girl sat,
In summer’s glow oh so mellow.
Folded cherub hands resting upon her cotton sundress yellow.
Bouquet of roses plucked, gathered and dropped asunder.
Eyes dipped low gazing into a world of wonder,
Silver fishes swim below darting through the waterweeds.
Bull rushes bob upon the breeze,
Nodding their fluffy heads their seeds to spread,
In light tufts they puff and sail.

Forgotten blossoms brief beauty lent,
With October wind’s cold kiss their stems spent.
Fall is upon them now,
Red and orange leaves tumble.
The maple sighs as everything dies,
For in frost the tender rose has fallen.
Blanketed now in Autumn’s gold.
Upon the granite her head rest,
As storm winds blow from the west.

Brown thorns remain as bloody blossoms splayed,
Where once summer’s children played.
Water’s voice vanished to naught but a silent trickle.
Winters’ ice has hidden the river’s flow from sight.
With heaven’s grace lay covered in a blanket of purest white.
But spring will come in heaven’s grace,
And once more the world will awake,
April’s warm rains take.
Tender tendrils spread,
Stretch sleepy budded heads,
As life returns in splendorous bliss,
With water and sunlight’s golden kiss,
From cold slumber grows,

The hardy briar rose.